To encourage and empower the incoming freshers of 2020, we ran an event to counteract any fears of a university experience ruined by the effects of COVID-19 and show how students can still maximise their student years.

Our Brief:

Year 13 students had an anxious and draining time in the summer of 2020, with huge uncertainty and a lack of transparency leaving their futures hanging in the air. So we decided to put together “Impact At Uni”: an interactive and engaging call bringing together incoming freshers and some of the best educational influencers. The hope was to provide a fun and insightful view of what the incoming freshers could do to make the most of their time at university, despite the unfortunate presence of COVID restrictions at the time.

Over 220 people signed up for the sessions

100 attendees on Zoom and 300+ views on YouTube

85% of attendees thought the event was very interesting and found the content very beneficial

Our Idea

Our main focus during this event was to maintain high energy throughout. Due to high demand for the event, we both held the event on Zoom and streamed it to YouTube but ensured that both chat functions were also active so that questions and contributions from the audience were both recognised and encouraged. The key to the enthusiasm of this event though has to be attributed to our amazing hosts, Success and Guy, who led the conversations, fielding questions from the audience as well as weaving in their own contributions.

Our Feedback

The feedback from this event was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees loved the abundance of insight and information they gathered in order to better suit them for this new stage of life. Above all, there was great feedback regarding the skills of our hosts and their interaction with the guests. The only improvement from some attendees was that they wish it went on for longer than the pre-determined 90 minutes, which is indicative of the event’s success.

“I loved the gems dropped and knowledge imparted. I enjoyed the conversational tone of the conference, and especially the humour from the guests and in the comments section. The hosts were amazing too!”

“What a great event! Thank you to all the speakers and organisers for giving back and I hope that you will continue to make such empowering, reassuring content in the future.”

Our Guests

Vee Kativhu – StudyTuber & Harvard Postgraduate Student
Josiah Hyacinth – Youtuber, Photographer & De Montfort University Graduate
Toni Fola-Alade – UK Y7 Delegate, Entrepreneur & Cambridge Graduate

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